Dreams into Games
We are a console/PC games developer based in Tokyo
Shapefarm Shapefarm asas aa companycompany isis builtbuilt uponupon aa uniqueunique breadthbreadth ofof expertiseexpertise workingworking onon AAAAAA projectsprojects acrossacross thethe world.world. AfterAfter 1414 yearsyears asas aa supportsupport studio,studio, wewe havehave sincesince MarchMarch 20242024 decideddecided toto taketake thethe firstfirst stepstep onon ourour journeyjourney toto focusfocus solelysolely onon ourour internalinternal titles,titles, realizingrealizing ourour dreamdream ofof becomingbecoming aa leadlead studio.studio.
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As a creative studio, what we create defines who we are. Here are some snapshots of what we have made, but more importantly, where we are going.